Sintex water tank repair in Dadar Mumbai.
We Selvi Enterprises are providing Water Tank Repair Services since Twenty years. It have 20 years Experiences Professional technician for water tank services. We also have highly Skilled plumber team. It repair different type of services like filling holes, filling Cracks,
It Selvi Enterprises provide you the 24 hours Water tank Repair services
It provide you 24 hours services and the best services in Dadar, Mumbai. selvi enterprises see that we work according to our client comfortable time.
It provide services for all types of company which manufacture Polyethylene water tank like sarita, shark, platinum, infra, etc..
It provide you best services. It also provide our services in Dadar many other places.
It have highly professional team for repairing polyethylene Water Tank. It also have highly skilled labour.
It have provide our service in indiabull company of sintex water tank of 20,000 liter capacity. before us four sintex water tank repair company has has provided their service but none of then were able to stop the leakage of the sintex water tank.
It Provide satisfactory work.
the indiabull company’s specialty manager Mr. Tushar Mahajan contacted us then company sent there technician . they served the problem the companies visited before they instead of stopping the leakage they increased the leakage our skilled technicians cleaned all the wrong welding material and the material which other company used was not proper because of that the leakage increased after that our technician repair with high polythene wire welding from inside and outside and grinned and rubbed the all waste welded material and stopped the leakage now six month got over but till now no problem has occurred up to date.